Related Links


Hardwoods in General

Hardwood Link Library- Sponsored by the Washington Hardwoods Commission, links to a wide variety of information including, availability, harvesting techniques, diseases, agencies, growth & yield, sustainability, conversion, etc.


Hardwood/Forestry Research

Center for Intensive Plantation Silviculture (CIPS)

Hardwood Tree Improvement and Regeneration Center- Based out of Purdue University, the HTIRC is a collaborative regional research, development and technology transfer effort between industry, university, private, state and federal entities to advance tree improvement of central hardwoods for increased forest productivity in hardwood restoration and reforestation programs.USDA Forest Service's forest growth and yield model.

Stand Management Cooperative- The SMC, headquartered at the College of Forest Resources, University of Washington, is composed of forest industry, state, provincial, and federal agencies, suppliers, and universities and provides information on the long-term effects of silvicultural treatments and treatment regimes on stand and tree growth and wood quality.


Forest Growth Models

ORGANON- An individual tree growth model developed for SW OR, NW OR, the lands of the Stand Management Cooperative, and red alder plantations in OR and WA. It will project stand development for several species mixes, stand structures and management activities.

BC Ministry of Forests Growth and Yield Models (including TASS, TIPSY, etc). Many (if not all) of these models are available to the public free of charge.

Forest Vegetation Simulator (FVS)- USDA Forest Service's forest growth and yield model.


Hardwood/Forestry Organizations





Below are a few links to nurseries that may produce red alder seedlings. However, for a more complete list see Source of Native Forest Nursery Seedlings

Arbutus Grove Nursery- Saanich, BC

Brooks Tree Farm, Brooks, OR

PRT- Various locations across the Western US

Silvaseed-Roy, WA

WACD Plant Materials Center- Roy, WA

Webster Nursery- WA DNR, Olympia, WA

Weyerhaeuser Western Seedlings-Various loactions across the Western US


Selling Timber and Logs- A useful publication outlining the timber selling process.


Log Prices

Log Lines- Log Price Reporting Service
Provides an independent, reliable source of delivered log price data from private timber sales in the Pacific Northwest.

Random Lengths-Source of information for the wood products industry. Newsletters include lumber prices.


Log Buyers

Cascade Hardwood Group- BC, NW WA, Olympic Peninsula, SW WA & NW OR

Northwest Hardwoods- Mt. Vernon, Centralia, Longview, Garibaldi, Eugene, Coos Bay

Oregon Log Buyers Directory

Pacific Hardwoods- South Bend, WA